Monday, 13 August 2012

Don't give people case studies.

Was part of an agency conversation the other day that went something like this...

"...and then we'll give them [the client] loads of material from great places like Google and IKEA and then it'll inspire them to design properly worked out customer service."

no it won't.

Giving people stimulus in the case study fashion can be a bit of a red herring.

Making connections between what one company does and yours requires creative sensitivity. Without that, there will be no idea generation. Creative sensitivity should be ever present and worn at the weekend just as it is 9-5 at our desks.

It would show up when said client is shopping at IKEA on any given day. And whilst choosing a fish shaped purple desk lamp s/he has an epiphany (albeit now a regular thing) and get’s out a notepad (s/he carries at all times) as s/he thinks to herself “my God, this shopping day I am having is so out of this world I can see the tangible, physical and deliberate customer experience touch points IKEA has seamlessly interwoven into my morning and I can’t help but make notes on all this right now for my project at work.”

If our clients could do that, then they wouldn’t need us now would they! Because they don't think like that, it suggests that stimulus alone isn't enough.

A little part of me dies when I think of another mood board is stuck up in the room in the hope it’ll “inspire” some thinking.

Don’t give your clients downloads off the web of IKEA, Google and Apple (zzzzzzz) as we’ve never worked there.

Get your clients to do instead THEIR OWN case study and have other companies talk about them. Genius.

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