Friday, 13 January 2012

change your life. watch this.

Every so often I stumble across something that shifts the way I look at the world. From that point on a one way door has closed behind me and I’m excited to try new things or think differently as a result. 100% of the credit on this occasion goes to the wonderful Mr AJ Brunstien who over the course of the year has photographed his world and made it into a beautiful short film here.
I describe this as perfect.

It’s perfect for me as it’s aesthetically stimulating. I’ve watched it time and again as a run through and on each occasion spotted something new. I either relax to it or use it as visual stimulus to push forward some thinking. So as a piece of stimulation – perfect.

It’s also perfect as it’s insightful. Further proof that consumers and consumer behaviour isn’t understood through copious PowerPoint presentations and lengthy documents that provide statistics on what was bight and where. Spend no more than 5 minutes of your life watching this and I see a family leading their lives. I’ve picked up strong themes of fun, adventures, creativity, colour, laughter and obviously love but under those (and if you look closely too) I spotted echoes of other values and elements that matter... close friendship, joint experiences, wide spaces, fresh air, spontaneity, fine detail, wit, intelligence, movement, energy, freedom.

so commercial benefits of making this aside, consider this. We’re all consumers. Everyday we’re inextricably linked to a multitude of experiences most of which we are unconscious and numb to as we’re too busy living on the ‘what next’ and the ‘to do’ later. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, late nights, artificial lighting and the laptop are even more crutches that prop up our frenetic journey... Do you remember all of what you did yesterday?

AJ has reminded me that life is for living and now, with the wonderment of technology, we have opportunity to capture those moments. Freeze them for now and bring them to life later. He’s reminded me that life is perfect if we choose to see it that way. That every moment is a reason and a reward to live and something we can thank a higher power for each day.

Evidence that such power exists. Look no further than how you feel when you watch his film. I smiled all the time.

Thanks AJ, and if you’re reading I took your advice.

The Canon EOS arrived today... see you in 365 days time!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog and thanks for the shout out! Agree with everything except the spelling of my last name! Can't wait to see what you put together with your new fancy camera!!
